
Objective: To evaluate the antibacterial activity of aloe-emodin isolated from aloe-vera against staphylococcus aureusfrom human patients and cows suffering from respiratory tract infection.Method: The experimental study was conducted at the A;-Kut Technical Institute, Iraq, from October 2021 to December2021, and comprised human nasal swabs collected from Al-Zahraa Teaching Hospital and Al-Karama Teaching Hospitalin Wassit, Iraq, in group A, cow nasal swabs collected from city centre, Al-Hay, Al-Bataar, Sheikh Saad, Al-Azizia and Al-Suwaira fields in group B. Aloe-vera was taken from the local market for which certification was obtained from theDirectorate of Seed Testing and Certification, Ministry of the Agriculture, Iraq. The swab specimens were transferredto the laboratory under standard conditions. The specimens were inoculated to mannitol salt agar and blood agarmedia and were then incubated for 24-48hrs at 37°C under aerobic conditions. All the primary screened isolates werethen subjected to various morphological and biochemical tests to ensure their identity. Data was analysed using thestatistical analysis system, 2018.Results: Of the 200 samples, 100(50%) were in group A and 100 100(50%) in group B. Aloe-emodin was the mosteffective antibiotic that inhibited human and cow pathogenic bacteria with high inhibition zone range at (1%) whichincreased with increasing aloe-emodin extract concentrations at (2% ,4%). Staphylococcus isolates revealed a differentresponse to the aloe-emodin antimicrobial activity.Conclusion: Aloe-emodin extract of alo-vera showed high antimicrobial activity against all human and cowpathogenic bacteria.Keywords: Cattle, Aloe, Emodin, Plant, Anti-bacterial, Anti-infective, Nose, Agriculture, Ethanol, Seeds.

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