
Background: Enterocin in Enterococcus is coded by enterocin encoding genes namely A, B, P and L50A / B. The purpose of this study was to identify enterocin gene encoding enterococcus faecalis K2B1 probiotic candidate from Belang Toraja buffalo milk and antimicrobial activity to S. typhi. Methods: identification of enterocin gene encoding using ent A, B, P and L50A / B, partial purification using ammonium sulfate on 80 % concentration and antimicrobial activity against to Salmonella typhi using disk diffusion method. The results of PCR amplification are then sequenced and BLASTX on NCBI. Result: Antimicrobial activity of Precipitate and crude against S. typhi are 193 and 201 respectively. Identification gene encoding enterocin shows that Ent A, B and P cannot be amplified and only EntL50A / B can be amplified with a sequence size of 86 bp. The sequence of enterocin encoding genes in E. faecalis K2B1 has 94% similarity with hypothetical protein EB34_00789 E. faecalis on GenBank with accession number RBR60004.1 Conclusion: EntL50A / B E. faecalis K2B1 has a size of 86 bp and is 94% identical to the hypothetical protein EB34_00789 and Enterocin can be used as antimicrobial or bio preservative. 


  • Bactericons is an antimicrobial compound produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) (Arqués et al, 2015; Umniyati et al, 2006). Tambekar & Bhutada (2010) found that LAB from cow, buffalo and goat milk which can inhibit S. typhi Rizqiati et al (2015) found 41 LAB isolates from buffalo milk in North Sumatra and were able to inhibit S. typhi.One of the member LAB can produce bacteriocins, called enterocins is Enterococcus genus (Maky et al, 2015)

  • Enterocin is a protein from the gene encoding enterocins in Enterococcus bacteria located on the chromosome or plasmid

  • Several studies of genes encoding enterocins for probiotic and bio preservative candidate have been reported by Banwo et al (2013) on E. faecium, Sarra et al (2013) against E. faecium, Braïek et al (2017) against E. lactis and Vimont et al (2017) against E. faecium

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Enterocins merupakan senyawa antimikroba yang dihasilkan oleh Enterococcus dan dapat menghambat pertumbuhan pathogen. Enterocins dikode oleh gen penyandi enterocins yaitu ent A, B, P dan L50A/B. Metode: metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu E. faecalis K2B1 ditumbuhkan pada kondisi optimum, setelah itu dilakukan purifikasi parsial menggunakan ammonium sulfat konsentrasi 80 %, kemudian diuji aktivitasnya terhadap S. typhi menggunakan disk diffusion method. Hasil: hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa presipitat dan crude enterocins (enterocins) mampu menghambat pertumbuhan S.typhi yaitu 193 dan 201 mm, aktivitas enterocins sebagai antimikroba telah hilang setelah penambahan Poteinase-K. Hasil identifikasi gen penyandi menunjukkan bahwa ent A, B dan P tidak dapat teramplifikasi dan hanya EntL50A/B yang dapat teramplifikasi dengan ukuran sekuen 86 bp. Kesimpulan: Enterocins dari E. faecalis K2B1 mampu menghambat pertumbuhan S. typhi dan hasil identifikasi gen penyandi Enterocins menunjukkan bahwa EntL50A/B E. faecalis K2B1 memiliki ukuran 86 bp, dan 94% identik dengan hypotethical protein EB34_00789

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