
In addition to cult identity, the Greek sanctu­ary could be defined as an institution, sculptores were rep­resented by their works there and these hon­ored them, increasing the social prestige of donors and intro­ducing the social sections of life through objects, It was possible to see unreachable objects there and be able to approach them The concept of a common cul­ture. When we in­terpret the Greek sanctuary through the functions associ­ated with its internal arrangements, It is to be seen in its representative, instructive and, me­mo­rialising aspects. In order to see objects more ef­fec­tive­ly different ar­rangements were made, such as the use of benches, of niches in the wall and in the rock, ob­jects hug on the walls, the use of the columns and pedes­tals for statues and statuettes obtained in all periods.

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