
Broiler minibreeder hens were used to produce monovalent antisera to bacterins prepared from serotypes 1, 3, 4, and 3 X 4 cross (CU strain) of P. multocida and to a polyvalent fowl cholera bacterin containing serotypes 1, 3, and 4. Antiserum to the CU strain (live vaccine) was also produced. Monovalent enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) plate antigens were prepared by separately sonicating each of the strains. Polyvalent plate antigen (Poly 3) was prepared by combining, in equal amounts after sonication, antigens from serotypes 1, 3, and 4. Each antiserum was assayed against its homologous ELISA plate antigen and against all other heterologous plate antigens, including Poly 3. The strongest reactions, as indicated by the highest absorbance values, were observed in homologous ELISAs. The CU strain may be the best monovalent ELISA plate antigen for detecting antibodies formed in response to a commercial polyvalent bacterin and to vaccinations with the live CU strain. Overall, monovalent serotype 1 (strain X-73) antiserum did not react well with any other heterologous ELISA plate antigen, whereas monovalent antisera of serotypes 4 (strain P-1662) and 3 X 4 (CU strain) reacted equally strongly with monovalent serotype 4 ELISA plate antigen. Background binding of negative serum was significantly lower (P less than 0.05) when using CU plate antigen than when using any of the other plate antigens.

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