
The pathogenesis of psoriasis appears to depend on T cells, which have been proposed to mediate the disease through an autoimmune process. To test this hypothesis we have propagated four T-cell lines from biopsies of psoriatic skin lesions by antigen-independent methods. Flow cytometric immunophenotyping showed the lines to be composed mainly of CD4-positive, alpha beta T-cell receptor (TCR)-positive cells, which secreted a cytokine profile suggestive of predominant T-helper type 1 (Th1) status. Analysis of TCR variable region (V beta) usage revealed two- to eight-fold increases in the expression of certain V beta species in lesional lines as compared with autologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), with the increased V beta species being expressed on more than 5% of cells in two of the lines. Lines were also used to test for responses to a range of epidermal antigen preparations in the presence of irradiated autologous PBMC as antigen-presenting cells. The lines failed--to proliferate in response to psoriatic lesional stratum corneum extracts, dispase-separated normal human epidermal extracts, and an epidermal keratin preparation before and after trypsinization, in spite of good proliferative responses to anti-CD3 which indicated that the lines were not anergic. In addition, the lines and PBMC from normal volunteers and the patients with psoriasis gave little or no response to recombinant streptococcal M protein. Thus, in spite of accumulating evidence for selective expansion of certain V beta-expressing T cells in psoriatic lesions, epidermal autoantigens have not been identified by using a bioassay which depended largely on the proliferation of lesional CD4-positive cells. The role of streptococcal M protein, which bears some homology with epidermal keratin is also open to question, at least in chronic plaque psoriasis. Further work is therefore required to obtain direct evidence that autoimmune processes are important in the pathogenesis of chronic plaque psoriasis.

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