
Helicoverpa armigera, an important polyphagous insect pest in agriculture, attacks more than 200 plant species of more than 30 families. Our previous study showed that the choice feeding percentages of H. armigera larvae to tobacco leaf discs treated with sweet, bitter, and hot taste substances were higher than the control leaf discs, while numb and salty substances could significantly inhibit their feeding. To quantitatively determine the synergistic effect of numb and salty substances, in this paper, the antifeeding activities of numb and salty substances and their mixtures blended in different doses or volume ratios were assayed on H. armigera larvae. The first bioassay was designed to elucidate the relative feeding preference of the larvae to the leaves from several common host species, each paired with tobacco leaf discs, and the result indicated that the most preferred host leaf by the larvae was tobacco leaf, followed by cotton and peanut leaves, suggesting that tobacco leaf was the most suitable matrix for the antifeeding bioassay, and the larval consumption of maize, pepper, or tomato leaves were significantly lower than that of tobacco leaf. The second bioassay was to test the choice feeding response of H. armigera larvae to tobacco leaf discs treated with Zanthoxylum bungeanum extracts obtained with different solvents, and the result showed that the antifeeding activity of the alcohol extracts was the strongest (93.38%), and the leaf consumption in the treatment and the control showed extremely significant difference (t=4.23, t0.01=3.25, P=0.0022), followed by the dichloromethane extracts (47.64%), while the other three solvents (water, acetone, and n-hexane) could not extract the active antifeeding components from Z. bungeanum. The larval consumption of tobacco leaf discs treated with the alcohol extracts of Z. bungeanum and NaCl solution were significantly less than their corresponding controls. The mean larval consumption of the treated leaf discs decreased with ever-increasing dosage, and the consumption of tobacco leaf discs coated with different doses of alcohol extracts of Z. bungeanum or NaCl solution showed extremely significant difference (FalcoholextractofZ.bungeanum=3.88, F0.01=3.58, P=0.0064; FNaClsolution=54.29, F0.01=3.58, P=0.0000), with maximum antifeeding effects at a dosage of 30μL per 1.5cm ID leaf disc. We further tested the larval consumption of tobacco leaf discs treated with alcohol extracts of Z. bungeanum in saturated NaCl solution mixed in different volume ratios, and the result showed that the choice antifeeding percentages of the treatments with 15μL or more Z. bungeanum alcohol extracts were higher than 90%, among which the mixture with 25:15volume ratio of Z. bungeanum alcohol extracts and saturated NaCl solution exhibited the strongest antifeeding activity, and the mean consumed leaf area of tobacco leaf discs coated with this blend was only 0.10mm2. In the further test on feeding dose-response of the 25:15 mixture, the mean leaf consumption decreased linearly with ever-increasing dosage, with a regression equation y=−3.9356x+120.78(R2=0.9998), and the 30μL dose could completely inhibit H. armigera feeding.

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