
Objectives: To assess the antiemetic efficacy of an oral suspensionof granisetron/dexamethasone in patients receivingchemotherapy and to determine whether quality-of-life parametersinfluence the risk for postchemotherapy nauseaand vomiting (PCNV). Patients and Methods: In an openmonocentric study, an oral suspension containing 2 mggranisetron and 16 mg (4 mg for moderately emetogenicchemotherapy) dexamethasone was administered to43 chemotherapy-naive patients before highly (n = 16) ormoderately (n = 27) emetogenic chemotherapy and on the3 subsequent days (2 for moderately emetogenic chemotherapy).Emetic episodes were recorded and quality of lifewas assessed prior to each cycle with a questionnaire basedon EORTC QLQ-30. Results: In the group undergoing highly(moderately) emetogenic chemotherapy, complete controlof acute vomiting was achieved in 60-72.7% (92.6-95.0% ),and complete control of delayed vomiting in 37.5-40.0% (75.0-92.2% ), of patients within the first 3 (5) cycles. The followingquality-of-life parameters were significantly associatedwith PCNV: tiredness (RR = 1.3, p < 0.05), pain (RR = 1.5),impairment of daily life by pain (RR= 1.7), sensation of abdominalpressure and fullness (RR = 2.5), impairment of socialactivities (RR = 2.9). Conclusions: Once-daily oral administrationof a suspension of granisetron/dexamethasone isan active prophylaxis of nausea and vomiting and comparesfavorably with data reported on intravenous administration.Quality-of-life parameters assessed pre-treatment couldhelp to identify patients at high risk for nausea and vomitingso that antiemetic therapy can be tailored to individualpatient risk.

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