
Excessive food consumption concerning to high calorie, dyslipidemia, obesity and cardiovascular disease. One alternative therapeutic approach in dyslipidemia patients is traditional use of herbal medicines such as Zingiber montanum rhizome. The aim of this study is to compare the anti-dyslipidemia activity of ethanol (EEZR), methanol (MEZR) and ethyl acetate extract of Zingiber montanum rhizome (EAEZR). EEZR, MEZR, and EAEZR were made by maceration method. The solvent extract was evaporated to obtain a viscous extract. Then a phytochemical screening for the compounds contained in each extract was performed. To induce dyslipidemia, Wistar male rats were given standard feed (80%), duck egg yolk (5%) and lard (15%) for 30 days, followed by administration of 1500 mg EEZR, MEZR and EAEZR dose for 30 days. On the 60th day, total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) blood measurements of the test rat were performed. Phytochemical screening result showed that EEZR, MEZR, and EAEZR contained flavonoid and terpenoid compounds. EEZR, MEZR, and EAEZR could decrease TC, TG and increased HDL in mouse blood significantly compared with dyslipidemia group (p <0.05). The TC and TG percentage decrease and the highest HDL level were owned by ethyl acetate extract of Zingiber montanum rhizome. EEZR, MEZR and EAEZR could decrease TC, TG levels and increase HDL in rat blood. The ability to decrease TC and TG levels from Zingiber montanum rhizome extract could be caused by the EEZR ability to inhibit pancreatic lipase enzyme activity so that it could suppress the fat absorption from the rats’ small intestine. The EAEZR ability was best amongst other because the active compound contained in non-polar Zingiber montanum rhizome is 2-methoxy-8- (3,4-dimethoxyphenyl) -1,4napthoquinon. EEZR, MEZR, and EAEZR have the ability to anti-dyslipidemia, where the best activity was owned by EAEZR.

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