
A study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of methanolic extract of the fruit of Momordica cymbalaria Hook F (MEMC) against several experimental models of diarrhoea in rats. MEMC treated animal's showed significant inhibitory effect against castor-oil induced diarrhea and PGE2 induced enteropooling in rats. The extract also showed a significant reduction in gastrointestinal motility in the charcoal meal test in rats. The results obtained to establish the efficacy and substantiate the folklore claim as an anti-diarrhoeal agent. Secretory diarrhoea is most dangerous symptom of gastrointestinal problems 3 and is associated with excessive defecation and stool outputs. The stool being of abnormally loose consistency 4. The World Health Organization has constituted a Diarrhoeal Disease Control program (CDD), which includes studies of traditional medicinal practices, together with the evaluation of health educational and prevention approaches 5. Momordica cymabalaria Hook. F. belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. The plant is a perennial herbaceous climber either allowed to trail on the ground or to climb on supports with the aid of tendrils. It is found in the south Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra and Tamil Nadu as a weed. The plant is allowed to grow along bunds (boundary of fields), fences and even in the fields for the sake of fruits. However no regular cultivation is practiced. The plant has a tuberous root, which helps to maintain perennial habits, pubescent or sub glabrous. i.e., the plants dry and disappear at the end of the season. The tubers remain in the soil and emerge in the next season. The plant has a monocious stem and is very slender. The leaves are oblicular or reinform with a deeply cordate base. Flowers are unisexual. The male flower

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