
Antidepressant use increases as age rises. Moreover, older patients are more sensitive to side effects and drug interactions. This descriptive study aims to map antidepressant use among patients at the geriatrics department of a university hospital and to evaluate whether prescribing happens in an evidence-based manner. Patients aged 75 years and over, admitted to the geriatrics department of the Middelheim Hospital in Antwerp between February and July 2017 were included. We checked whether they took antidepressants, which types and doses were prescribed, who prescribed the antidepressants, and whether prescribing was in concordance with the revised STOPP (Screening Tool of Older People's Prescriptions) criteria. Out of the 239 included patients, 61 were found to use antidepressants, with depression being the most important indication. General practitioners appeared to be the most frequent prescribers. Trazodone was the most prescribed antidepressant and was often used for sleeping disorders. Antidepressants were taken longer than recommended in almost one out of five cases. Patients with diabetes and renal insufficiency were prescribed antidepressants less frequently. Only 2.8% of the study participants were prescribed antidepressants for anxiety disorders. We can conclude that prescription of antidepressants in older patients at the geriatrics department is often not evidence based. Clear guidelines may offer a solution; therefore more studies are needed on antidepressant use in older patients.

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