
Do you remember, in the James Bond movie, James Bond carried a smart pen with him. This is an amazing and fun pen that shoots narcotic darts and turns into a mini grenade. This pen looks amazing and is super fun. Some companies in the United Kingdom and the United States have set up some digital pens imitating the shape of the 007 agent pen, and have anti-counterfeiting functions. The smart pen is a ballpoint pen. When writing, the sensor in the pen will acquire the three-dimensional force, three-dimensional acceleration and inclination angle during use. These data are transmitted to the PC by wireless data communication lines. This is a unique, fun pen. The method used in this paper is biometric technology. With the development of Internet of Things technology, artificial intelligence, big data and other technologies, more and more network devices are integrated into our daily life. Only using traditional security solutions will inevitably have limitations. The latest biometric technology can improve the security in the authentication process to a certain extent.

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