
Membrane potential of ventral respiratory group neurons as well as inspiratory-related cranial (hypoglossal) and spinal (C 1–Th 4) nerve activities were analysed in brainstem–spinal cord preparations from neonatal rats. Block of Cl −-mediated inhibition with bicuculline (plus strychnine) affected neither rhythmic depolarizations nor spike discharge in 23 of 30 ventral respiratory group cells. In the other seven neurons, block of inhibitory postsynaptic potentials evoked pronounced depolarizations and spike discharge that was synchronous with seizure-like spinal nerve activity. Respiratory hypoglossal nerve activity persisted after transection at the spinomedullary junction, whereas spinal rhythm was blocked. After transection, the moderate bicuculline-evoked seizure-like perturbation of hypoglossal nerve activity was abolished and rhythmic ventral respiratory group neuron activity was not disturbed, whereas epileptiform discharge persisted in spinal nerves. The seizure-like nerve activity and depolarization of the minor subpopulation of perturbed ventral respiratory group neurons were reversed by either adenosine or the A 1 adenosine receptor agonist 2-chloro- N 6-cyclopentyladenosine. The A 2 receptor agonist CGS 21860 had no effect. In control preparations, inspiratory nerve activity and membrane potential fluctuations (29 of 35 cells) were not changed by adenosine, 2-chloro- N 6-cyclopentyladenosine or CGS 21860. In the other six cells, adenosine evoked a hyperpolarization (<10 mV) with no major change in input resistance. The anticonvulsant effects of adenosine and 2-chloro- N 6-cyclopentyladenosine were antagonized by the A 1 adenosine receptor blocker 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine. After pre-incubation with 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine, bicuculline also evoked seizure-like discharge in the hypoglossal nerve. The results indicate that seizure-like spinal motor output of the respiratory network upon block of Cl −-mediated inhibition is caused by disinhibition of spinal neuronal networks with afferent connections to the ventral respiratory group. Presynaptic A 1 adenosine receptors exert an anticonvulsant action on the disinhibited spinal motor network, but have no depressing effect per se on the isolated medullary respiratory network.

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