
A new detector system was developed to count the highly converted low-energy isomeric transitions of long-lived 189mOs and 193mIr produced by (γ, γ′) reactions upon irradiating stable elemental Os and Ir samples with gamma photons from a 200 kV X-ray generator and high-activity 137Cs and 60Co sources. This system consists of multiwire flat 2π proportional chambers for internal counting, with sensitive areas 90, 20 and 6 cm 2, surrounded by two large 2π counters connected in anticoincidence to reduce background. Specific activities in the order of Bq g −1, corresponding to counting rates lower than 0.1 cpm, were obtained. Photoproduction of 193mIr was detected for the first time below an excitation energy of 2.75 MeV. Excitation of 189mOs by 200 keV endpoint energy X-rays due to an interaction via nuclear excitation by electronic transition (NEET) was also observed.

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