
The following study is designed to determine the anticancer and cytotoxic potential of hydroalcoholic extract from rhizomes of Pa ris polyphylla to produce any cytotoxic effect on human A549 lung cancer cell lines. The hydroalcoholic analysed for spectral analysis through NMR, HPLC - DAD and LC - ESI - MS/MS methods and found to have Diosgenyl and pennogenyl saponins. The test conducted us ing MTT method using hum an lung cancer A549 cell lines as part of the in vitro preclinical characterization of compound and compared against Doxorubicin . More than 97 % increment in cell k illing at a concentration of 500 µ g/ml recorded in the cell line . Th e EC50 for the extract was calculated to be 52.34 ug/ml and at the concentration of 1.8559 ug/ml, doxorubicin exhibited approximately 98 % killing of the cells. The EC50 for the Doxorubicin was calculated to be 0.579 ug/ml . From the study it is concluded t he hydroalcoholic rhizome extracts Paris polyphylla has potential to exhibit anticancer activity.

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