
In this study, supernatants (SN) of hybridomas established by fusing P3X63.Ag8.653 to spleen cells from C57L mice (Vß8 family of T cell receptor (TcR) gene negative) immunized with the H-Y specific Vß8 allotype positive helper T cell (HTL) clone OI6 were screened for the capacity to activate cloned T cells in the absence of interacting stimulator cells. In the first assay, SNs were mixed with Vß8 + H-Y specific CTL OH2 and 51Cr-labelled non-specific B lymphoma (L10.A). In this system, antibodies (Ab) which can bind to L10.A by Fc-Fc receptor interaction and recognize TcR can facilitate lysis of L10.A target cells by OH2 CTL. In the second assay, OI6 clone cells were cultured in microtiter well, previously coated with hybridoma supernatants (SN). In this assay, Ab recognizing OI6 TcR complex and bound to plastic plates can stimulate OI6 cells to proliferate in the absence of stimulator cells. Using these two screening methods, nine hybridomas were established. Analysis of these hybridoma SN using surface staining, inhibition of T cell function and immunoprecipitation of radiolabelled surface molecules followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS/PAGE) showed that five Ab were directed to the allotypic determinant (Vß8) of TcR and four Ab were specific to the clonotypic determinant of OI6 TcR. These results suggest that this Ab-mediated activation of T cell clone can be used for the screening of hybridomas secreting anti-TcR Ab and the immunogenicity of OI6 clonotypic determinants is similar to that of the Vß8 allotypic determinant even in strains which do not express the Vß8 TcR allotype.

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