
Antibody-based immunotherapeutic agents have emerged as important treatment options for non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Recent data suggest that use of these agents not only induces high response rates but also results in improved survival when combined with conventional chemotherapy in patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. As a result, antibody-based immunotherapy has changed lymphoma therapy considerably and dramatically impacted the management of patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Several unmodified and radiolabeled antibodies, as well as antibody-drug conjugates, have been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Also, more promising antibodies that target other epitopes are being developed in preclinical and clinical studies. This review presents the latest information on antibody-based immunotherapeutic agents for treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in various clinical settings and discusses current clinical and laboratory guidelines for the use of antibodies for treatment of different subtypes of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. * IPIT : individualized therapy; NHL : non-Hodgkin lymphoma; DLBCL : diffuse large B-cell lymphoma; FL : follicular lymphoma; CLL : chronic lymphocytic leukemia; SLL : small lymphocytic leukemia; CHOP : cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone; MoAbs : monoclonal antibodies; ADCC : antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity; CDC : complement-dependent cytotoxicity; FDA : United States Food and Drug Administration; RIT : radioimmunotherapy; IL-2 : interleukin 2; OR : overall response; TTP : time to progression; CVP : cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone; MCP : mitoxantrone, chlorambucil, and prednisone; OS : overall survival; PFS : progression-free survival; R-CHOP : rituximab plus CHOP; NCCN : National Comprehensive Cancer Network; CR : complete response; ECOG : Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; CALGB : Cancer and Leukemia Group B; CNS : central nervous system; FR : rituxamine plus fludarabine; FCR : fludarabine plus cyclophosphamide; FC : fludarabine and cyclophosphamide; FCR : fludarabine plus cyclophosphamide plus rituximab; CMV : cytomegalovirus; PCR : polymerase chain reaction; MDS : myelodysplastic syndrome; AML : acute myeloid leukemia; tMDS/tAML : treatment-related MDS/AML; HL : Hodgkin lymphoma; ALCL : anaplastic large cell lymphoma; NIH : National Institutes of Health; UNC : University of North Carolina; MCP : mitoxantrone, chlorambucil, and prednisolone; NA : not available; NR : not reached; ProMACE : prednisone, methotrexate, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, and etoposide

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