
Herein we report a case for which antibiotic therapy was effective in preventing bilateral staghorn renal matrix stones. A 34-year-old man was referred to our hospital for right lower abdominal pain and fever. Blood data and urinary analysis indicated a urinary tract infection and renal failure. The diagnosis was bilateral pyelonephritis for staghorn renal matrix stones. He had undergone percutaneous neprolithotripsy (PNL) for bilateral staghorn renal matrix stones. Almost all fragments were removed by the grasper. However, 3 months after the operation, bilateral staghorn renal matrix stones rapidly developed, so he underwent PNL again. After the operation, low-dose antibiotic therapy was continued to prevent pyelonephritis. As a result renal matrix stones did not reoccur. Until now, 1 year after the start of antibiotic therapy, no further sign of relapse has been noted.

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