
One of the things that could cause pathogenesis of acne is the activity of normal flora bacteria on the skin, one of them is the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes. The use of extracts which is derived from severalparts of plant such as banana peel, mangosteen peel, dragon fruit peel, potato peel, crinum lily leaf, Marsh fleabane leaf, soursop leaf, soma leaf, green betle vine leaf, and cacao seed that are known to have antibacterial activity could help in acne healing attempt. This research was conducted at Microbiology Laboratory Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Udayana University from December 2017 until March 2018.The research was conducted with the intention toknow the appropriate solvent to obtain the compound type of durian rind extract dissolved with three types of solvent (methanol, ethanol, ethyl acetate), to look for the smallest resistor value (MIC) of the extract with a solvent that provides the best inhibitory power, and to know the compound type of the extract with a solvent that provides the best inhibitory power. The method is diffusion wells and phytochemical tests. The data that is obtained in the study were analysed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). In inhibition test against P. acnes, it is known that the durian rind ethyl acetate extract effectively showed the inhibitory effect on the bacteria growth, with MIC value of 1.1%. The compound that is contained in the durian rind ethyl acetate extract is terpenoid, steroid, flavonoid, phenolic, and tannin.


  • cause pathogenesis of acne is the activity of normal flora bacteria on the skin

  • The use of extracts which is derived from severalparts of plant

  • have antibacterial activity could help in acne healing attempt

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Identifikasi alkaloid

Ekstrak dengan daya hambat terbaik ditimbang hingga seberat 0,5 gkemudian dimasukkan ke dalam tabung reaksi. Ekstrak selanjutnya dapat ditambahkan 1 mL HCl 2M dan 9 mL akuades lalu dipanaskan selama 2 menit, selanjutnya disaring sehingga diperoleh filtrat lalu ditambahkan reagen Mayer. Hasil uji dinyatakan positif bilapada penambahan reagen Mayer terbentuk endapan kuning (Tiwari et al, 2011)

Identifikasi flavonoid
Identifikasi terpenoid dan steroid
Identifikasi tanin
Identifikasi saponin
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