
The complex formed between chitosan and sugar as a result of heating process which induces the Maillard reaction is known to have antibacterial and antioxidant properties. This study aims to compare the antibacterial activity of chitosan monosaccharide complexes against Bacillus subtilis, Listeria monocytogenes and Vibrio cholera in snakehead fish surimi as the food matrix model. The analysis was conducted on<br />the color intensity of the Maillard Reaction Products (MRPs) which was formed through the reaction of chitosan with glucose, galactose and fructose. The antibacterial activity of each MRPs was studied both in<br />vitro and in the food matrix using disc difussion and standard plate count method respectively. The results showed that the chitosan galactose complex had the highest color intensity with absorbance values at 420<br />nm of 0.248. In vitro tests result showed that the chitosan glucose complex had the greatest inhibition on all three test bacteria. Whereas, when MRPs was applied in the food matrix of snakehead fish surimi, the<br />galactose chitosan complex showed the best inhibitory effect against B. subtilis and L. monocytogenes with a decrease in the number of bacteria of 0.63 and 2.13 log CFU/mL respectively compared to the control.<br />On the other hand, the inhibitory activity of V. cholera in the food matrix was effectively performed by the glucose chitosan complex with the total bacterial count of 2.25 log CFU/mL l lower than the control. The addition of chitosan and chitosan monosaccharide complex to the food matrix generally reduced the total microbial count (TPC) by 1.53 log CFU/mL. This result confirms that the antibacterial activity of MRPs is<br />consistent .both in vitro and in the food matrix.


  • The complex formed between chitosan and sugar as a result of heating process which induces the Maillard reaction is known to have antibacterial and antioxidant properties

  • This study aims to compare the antibacterial activity of chitosan monosaccharide complexes against Bacillus subtilis, Listeria monocytogenes and Vibrio cholera in snakehead fish surimi as the food matrix model

  • The analysis was conducted on the color intensity of the Maillard Reaction Products (MRPs) which was formed through the reaction of chitosan with glucose, galactose and fructose

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Shanti Dwita Lestari*, Ace Baehaki, Reny Meliza Universitas Sriwijaya, Jalan Raya Palembang Prabumulih Km. 32 Ogan Ilir, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia. Aktivitas antibakteri kompleks kitosan-monosakarida terhadap patogen dalam surimi ikan gabus sebagai model matriks pangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan aktivitas antibakteri yang berasal dari senyawa kompleks kitosan monosakarida terhadap Bacillus subtilis, Listeria monocytogenes dan Vibrio cholera dalam matriks pangan berupa surimi ikan gabus. Analisis dilakukan terhadap intensitas warna PRM yang terbentuk melalui reaksi kitosan dengan glukosa, galaktosa dan fruktosa serta aktivitas antibakteri masing-masing PRM secara in vitro maupun dalam matriks pangan yang masing-masing dilakukan menggunakan metode difusi cakram dan hitungan cawan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompleks kitosan glukosa memiliki intensitas warna tertinggi dengan nilai absorbansi pada panjang gelombang 420 nm yaitu 0,248. Hasil uji in vitro menunjukkan bahwa kompleks kitosan glukosa memiliki daya hambat terbesar terhadap ketiga bakteri uji. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas antibakteri menunjukkan hasil yang konsisten baik secara in vitro maupun dalam matriks pangan

Metode Penelitian
Persiapan surimi ikan gabus
HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Pengukuran Intensitas Warna Produk Reaksi Maillard
Analisis Antibakteri secara In Vitro
Species of bacteria
Analisis Antibakteri dalam Matriks Surimi Ikan Gabus
Pengaruh Perlakuan terhadap Pertumbuhan Bacillus subtilis dalam Matriks Surimi
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