
Forty-two patients with poor prognosis AML were enrolled in a phase II study combining fludarabine, carboplatin, and topotecan (FCT) with thalidomide. Laboratory correlates included serum vascular endothelial growth factor levels (VEGF) and bone marrow microvascular density (MVD). Ten of 42 (24%) patients achieved a complete remission (CR or CRp). Serious thrombotic adverse events were observed in 5 patients suggesting that the combination of cytotoxic chemotherapy and thalidomide may be thrombogenic despite significant thrombocytopenia. VEGF did not correlate with response to therapy, while a trend towards decreased MVD was noted in patients who achieved CR. The addition of thalidomide did not significantly influence angiogenic markers. It is not clear that thalidomide adds any efficacy to the FCT regimen.

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