
Investigated the features of the existence of anti-values in the modern virtual space. One of these anti-values is violence, which represents itself in various forms. In particular, cyber-bulling and cyber-grooming have become widespread in the global network. Described the main types of virtual aggression. Manifestations of violence in the virtual reality are directly correlated with the types of aggressive behavior of subjects in the virtual world, which is realized with the help of one or another means.Revealed the phenomenon of cyber-addiction of human as a demonstration of its lack of freedom. The paradox lies in the fact that on the one hand, the virtual world is a field of freedom, and on the other – in consequence of the formation of human cyber-addiction, it ceases to be free by narrowing its living space by concentration on the virtual being. Accordingly, computer-addiction does not allow the subject to qualitatively expand the horizons of their own information culture. Generalized the factors and types of cyber- addictive human behavior. It is noted that the behavior of cyber-addicted personality is characterized by the following basic criteria: the depreciation of all living things, including himself; the disappearance of the habit of working and finding pleasure in it; the fall of cognitive interests and the sabotage of educational activity; self-restraint, indifference and coldness to people.Determined the essential characteristics of cybercrime. It is emphasized that legal and moral nihilism, which has become widespread in the virtual world, is a world-view ground for cybercrime. Nihilism as an anti-value destroys the foundations of informational, legal and moral cultures. To increase the level of information culture of Internet users, it is important to increase educational and educational work, especially among young people, as well as to establish strict liability for committed cybercrimes. The fight against cybercrimes requires special legislation, trained law enforcement officers in this area. However, certain restrictions on the Internet should not turn into censorship, narrowing the field of individual freedom for artificial reasons. It is argued that cybercrime from an axiological point of view is based on anti-values that are rooted in the consciousness of the subject of the virtual world. It is substantiated that virtual reality is a field of struggle of values and anti-values, high samples of informational culture and immoral and anti-legal ways of activity. Anti- values of the virtual world is a continuation of the real world, but at the same time, their interpretation and embodiment have their own particularities in the virtual space. To the anti-values of the virtual world, it is worth mentioning violence and aggression, the restriction of individual freedom because of various forms of cyber-addiction, loss of responsibility for their actions, etc.


  • Досліджено особливості буття антицінностей у сучасному віртуальному просторі

  • До антицінностей віртуального світу варто віднести насильство та агресію, звуження свободи особистості в результаті різних форм кіберзалежності, втрату відповідальності за свої вчинки тощо

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Досліджено особливості буття антицінностей у сучасному віртуальному просторі. Охарактеризовано основні типи віртуальної агресії. Аналізуючи проблему розповсюдження антицінностей серед субєктів віртуального простору, на нашу думку, варто зупинитися більш детально на негативних ціннісно-антропологічних аспектах, пов’язаних з участю людини у діяльності соціальних мереж та віртуальних співтовариств.

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