
The mechanisms and pace of orbital forcing on precipitation in inland Asia during the Cenozoic remain poorly understood. Many previous studies using magnetic proxies for precipitation have shown a consistent signal of long eccentricity (405 kyr) in hydrological records of central China that are younger than ca. 11 Ma. Most studies suggest that variations in rainfall amount were controlled by Northern Hemisphere summer insolation, and the peak of precipitation is associated with eccentricity maxima. Here, we report multiple magnetic records dating back to the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum (MMCO, ∼14−17 m.y. ago), including a detailed record from a new section in the Qaidam Basin, which was dated using magnetostratigraphy, U-Pb geochronology, and apatite low-temperature thermochronology. Our records show the exact opposite: 405 kyr wet-dry cycles dominated, but the wetter intervals correspond to eccentricity minima and ice-volume maxima during the MMCO. Taken at face value, these results question the origin—monsoonal or westerly-derived—of the precipitation that reached central China during the middle Miocene and the mechanisms that enhanced monsoonal penetration of inland Asia. We also suggest that this anti-phase relationship could also reflect biases in magnetic proxies for precipitation during the wettest climatic phases, which can result in the dissolution of magnetic minerals and a significant underestimation of past rainfall.

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