
This paper tends to propose a new term for the literary world called “anti-Othering” analyzing an African as well as a post colonial play The Lion and the Jewel by Wole Soyinka. This paper guides the literary world to rethink how Wole Soyinka has subtly introduced the idea of anti-othering in the play The Lion and the Jewel. In this paper, how the world is affected by the idea of othering of the west, is displayed first and then with textual referring to the play The Lion and the Jewel the idea of anti-othering is proposed. This work reflects on how the power of mimicry can be used for both othering and for anti-othering. It illustrates how Wole Soyinka treats a performance and uses the tool mimicry to found the ground idea of‘anti-othering’.Finally, the paper argues why the world needs to identify anti-othering now.

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