
25 A popular case for asserting media and NGO influence in policy processes is the case of Sun Zhigang, wherein a fashion designer was beaten to death in a detention center following being held by police for not having a hukou (household registration) permit for Guangzhou. The resulting public outcry and the efforts of scholars led to a change in policy on paper, but not in state practice. In addition to fierce public outcry, scholars Xu Zhiyong, Yu Jiang, and Teng Biao sent a joint suggestion to the National People’s Congress urging review of the Custody and Repatriation system (Act on Housing and Transferring Urban Homeless). The Congress did not conduct the review but the act was rescinded shortly thereafter. It was replaced, however, by Measures for Assisting Vagrants and Beggars with No Means of Support in Cities. The practice of jailing petitioners and others in “black jails” and centers for “education classes” continues. Although Chinese leaders denied the existence of “black jails” during China’s universal periodic review by the UN Human Rights Council, increasing evidence suggests these jails are common in Beijing and other locations.

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