
The need in corruption prevention and the necessity to create the anti-corruption legal base are recognized by all states. This particular research is devoted to modern trends in corruption observed inside the penal system. The authors analyze views of researchers on this phenomenon as well as anti-corruption solutions and prove the importance of developing anti-corruption sense of justice and moral education of penal corection system officers. They also offer particular prevention measures aimed at developing anti-corruption sense of justice of officers. In the course of their research the authors analyze provisions of the federal law No, 273 On Corruption Prevention dated December 25, 2008 and offer measures aimed at anti-corruption behavior of officers. As a result of their research, the authors emphasize the need to develop anti-corruption policy and anti-corruption culture as well as the need to teach anti-corruption behavior and sense of justice to penal correction system officers and the need to discover and eliminate causes of corruption. They also conclude that there is a need to develop anti-corruption standards that are being developed by state authorities today for particular spheres of social relations. 

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