
The aim of the study is to improve the quality of medical and aesthetic care for patients with age-related changes in the skin of the face and body by including injection carboxytherapy and platelet injection technique (PRP) in the treatment protocol. Material and methods. 81 patients (42 women and 39 men) with age-related involutive changes in facial skin were examined. All patients were examined using dermatological methods: corneometry, dermatoscopy, pH assessment, ballistometry and cutometry. All patients were randomized into comparison groups: the main group (20 patients) received injection carboxytherapy and platelet method (PRP), the control group (20 patients) did not receive methods of apparatus physiotherapy, two comparison groups (comparison-1, 20 patients) received injection carboxytherapy and (comparison-2, 20 patients) received the platelet method (PRP). Statistical data analysis was carried out in Microsoft Office Excel (2017) and SPSS statistical processing (PASW Statistics version, 2018). We used parametric (linear correlation method, Student's t-test) and non-parametric methods (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, unpaired Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test and paired Wilcoxon test). Differences were considered significant at p < 0.05. Results. After the complex therapy, a significant increase in the hydration index of the facial skin by 12.8±1.1 units, an increase in the level of elastin by 9.4±2.9 units was noted, which contributed to a decrease in the depth of wrinkles after the combined method of injection carboxytherapy and PRP - by 1.4 points.

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