
It is alleged that after the Islamic world froze its influence in this universe, the Jews and Christians started a conspiracy against Islam. Later, the same thinking affected the people of the West and India. So, they also provided hateful material against Muslims through books, articles, and Cinematic Films. In Berlin, 1895 Skladanowsky brothers made their first debut film, and in 1905 Lumiere brothers did not get a good response; they started the parables of prophets and got salutations from the audience. Occasionally, Western and Indian filmmakers moved on to offensive pictorial scenarios of God and anti-Muslims. In this regard, they are producing God in the form of Male/Female in the different aspects of the cinema. Moreover, later Hollywood introduced the Anthropomorphic of Ancient Greek gods, Like Zeus, Thor, and Loki in Cinema. In the era of 1917, Dada sahib Phalke through the Lanka Dahan portrayal, and in the 80s, Ramanand Saghar provided the pictorial series Ramayana and later B.R Chopra Mahabharata. Those who watch these theological movies as entertainment are prohibited (×arÉm) in Islam, while these films violate beliefs. These Cinematic Portraits are shown in every Muslim State on Ram, Hanuman, anti-Muslimism data, etc. This stereotypical behaviour is the major cause of the Muslims as terrorist in the West and being patronizing in Indian society. This research aims to identify the theological effects of religious films on Muslim society. Furthermore, the negative myths created by these films are to be revealed to Muslim civilization. This Research will set out both film industries with the methodology of descriptive cum-critical and analysis of Christian Hindu Thinking and particularly figures out its Prohibitions and suspensions through the Islamic Sharī‘ah.

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