
Objectives: Anthropometry is notable for its suggestions in, human anatomy, forensic science, and physical human studies. Human nose is an unmistakable rule in close to recognizable proof and is an impression of uniqueness of each person. The information on nasal estimation is essential to clinicians like maxillofacial specialists, craniofacial specialists empowering them in identification of typical or strange changes, help with repair and reconstruction. Prosthetic recovery additionally requires the capacity to envision the position and measurement of the nose inside the facial closeness. In this way, the admittance to nasal information for every populace are worthwhile. The main intension was to quantify the parameters of outer nose of adult Malay populace and to decide the critical distinction in nose measurement among races.Materials and Methods: The cross-sectional study was led on 420 people (80 Malay male, 80 Malay female, 60 Indian male, 70 Indian female, 60 Chinese male and 70 Chinese female) in the age range 18-45 years. In this study digital caliper was utilized to identify the nasal landmarks. This research was conducted that the mean of variables were statistically significant differences in nose measurement scores among adult Malay population. All the average independent variables were measured and compared whether differs at the same time among races and ethnic groups.Results:It was discovered that nasal measurement were remarkably larger in Indian and Malay than in Chinese for nasal tip protrusion, nasal height and nasal length. There were larger in Chinese than in Malay for nasal width and alar base root. There were larger in Indian than in Malay for nasal width, nasal height and nasal length. But there was no significant difference in nasal parameters among genders of Malay populace. Conclusion: Thestatisticallysignificant difference in nasal anthropometric nasal parameters were found among three ethnic groups of adult Malay population. But there was no significant difference in anthropometric nasal values among genders of Malay populace

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