
ronment has a number of decisive consequences for human life. Gilgit-Baltistan is largely a high-mountain desert. Geologically, it spreads over three high mountain systems: Himalaya, Karakorum and Hindukush. Settlements are concentrated in the main river valleys and in the side-valleys, and the largest part of the region is simply uninhabitable because of slope, aridity, or height. Slope and aridity are decisive limitations for subsistence: Agriculture depends on irrigation which is mostly fed by melt-water streams from the glaciers. Slopes have to be terraced for cultivation and extensive networks of irrigation channels have to be constructed and maintained. The vast majority of GBs surface area is, however, simply uninhabitable and uncultivable. Over the last decades, the cultivated area had been extended with the help of development agencies, especially the Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP), but in most parts extension has reached its limits now because of unavailability of water for irrigation. The limiting factor is water in late winter and spring: When water is most needed for the beginning of the agricultural period, it is most scarce because of reduced outflow from the glaciers in the cold season. Beside various sorts of grains that are cultivated – formerly especially barley while today wheat and maize prevail – vegetables and fruits are grown, in the first place apricots, apples and walnuts. In the past, dried fruits played a very significant role especially for diet in winter. Agriculture was always combined with animal husbandry, not only because crops were insufficient but, even more importantly, because manure was required as fer tilizer for the fields. Sheep, goats, cows, in the higher areas also yaks, and chicken are kept. There is a locally variegated system of transhumance. In summer, livestock is mostly kept on high pastures. Cows, goats and sheep descend to the permanent settlements in the valleys in September while yaks

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