
The article analyzes the scientific and philosophical heritage of Ibn Sina, one of the most prominent representatives of the Middle East philosophy. Ibn Sina, an outstanding scientist and physician of the Eastern Renaissance, is among the first-class scholars in world culture, science, philosophy and medicine. The problem of man takes a central place in the creative work of a scientist. The creative work of Ibn Sina, especially his anthropological teaching, promotes finding answers to questions arising in the process of knowing some aspects of nature and the very essence of man, and partly on the global challenges of the modern world. It is precisely in his work that the eternal questions of human existence are addressed and resolved. Ideas of Ibn Sina were and remain genius, he considered a man in terms of a holistic approach, laid the foundations for modern medical ethics, defined a system of fundamental ethical concepts that have specific medical, biological and clinical content. He regarded man as the inseparable unity of spirit, soul and body. The scientific and philosophical heritage of Ibn Sina is a very important link of the only cultural tradition of mankind. The scientist introduced new ideas in many fields of scientific activity

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