
The subject of the study is the purpose of man through the prism of the oldest occupation – hunting. The role of hunting in the development of human culture and the construction of its interaction with space is poorly spelled out by modern historians. In philosophical works, the discourse of the "hunting man" is presented as a form of violence, aggression, territorial expansion and cruelty towards oneself and nature. The lack of an adequate cultural conceptualization of hunting, its removal from the framework of civilizational and cultural factors is also due to the new movement in defense of animal rights, which generally blocks conversations about hunting. Meanwhile, bringing this topic to the public forum is necessary precisely due to the fact that against the background of the decline of commercial hunting, other forms of it are flourishing, which also need to be discussed and evaluated. The authors put forward the thesis that the development of the hunting theme will allow a deeper understanding of the features of the relationship between a person and a territory, its features of its existence in socio-biological space and time. It should be recognized as a property of a living being to counteract another living being. However, not only in humans, but also in animals, there are examples of altruism and caring for the younger generations. Therefore, the origins of aggressiveness and the desire of civilized people to use such an extreme form of recreation as modern hunting becomes should be sought in the device of the artificial environment in which modern man is formed. The condition for solving this problem is a philosophical analysis of norms and codes of behavior that determine the codification of the ultimate grounds and drivers of hunting, as well as the synthesis of human rights and animal rights to preserve the biospheric integrity of the planet Earth.

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