
Soils in megalopolises are an integral part of urban environment. Soils determine the possibility of creating green spaces and their functioning. Accumulation of pollutants in urban areas is characterized by complexity and heterogeneity. Conducted studies have shown no direct correlation between the level of soil contamination and the condition of the vegetation in St. Petersburg. Soils of higher fertility although more polluted have lower negative effect on the plant growth. Species resistance to atmospheric pollution, level of soil preparation for planting, the timeliness and quality of maintenance are of particular importance. High-quality soil preparation, soil fertility and its ecological condition are determinative aspects of creating green spaces in megalopolises. Based on conducted studies, the main methodological approaches to the soil’s quality were formulated for different kind of use. The strictest quality requirements should be imposed on the soils of: 1) agricultural lands, 2) children’s and medical institutions, 3) residential areas, 4) recreational areas, 5) suburban forests, 6) industrial and transport zones.

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