
The undersurface of the cotyledons and first few pairs of leaves of Eucalyptus fastigata seedlings is coloured either green or purple with very few intermediates. The purple colour is assumed to be due to pigmentation by anthocyanins. The frequency of purple, green and intermediate phenotypes was recorded in seedlots of 105 open- pollinated families of five native Australian provenances; one exotic population from South Africa and four exotic populations from New Zealand. The purple phenotype was predominant in the Australian seedlots from the higher altitude, inland provenances of the species' range and in the South African population. The provenance from Tallaganda State Forest in New South Wales showed the highest mean frequency (93%) of purple phenotypes. The green phenotype was prevalent in the New Zealand exotic populations, attaining a frequency of 100% in some, and was also predominant in the provenance from Robertson, N.S.W.

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