
A study was carried out to improve anther culture ability of the non-responsive cultivated oat, Avena sativa L. cv. Puhti by introgressing favourable alleles from the responsive wild red oat, Avena sterilis L. acc. CAV 2648. Anther culture ability of these parental lines and F2 progenies of their cross and two backcrosses was tested. Genotype effects were significant on all anther culture traits measured. The number of anther culture derived embryo-like structures was highest in acc. CAV 2648, and the number of green regenerants from the Puhti × CAV 2648 progeny. Anther culture response was greatly reduced in backcross progeny and was least in cv. Puhti. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was used to test for marker associations with oat anther culture traits in a population of 38 F2 progenies. Two RAPD markers were putatively associated with improved production of green regenerants (one derived from acc. CAV 2648 and the other from cv. Puhti). One marker putatively associated with decreased albino plant regeneration (derived from acc. CAV 2648). These markers might be useful for selecting alleles for better anther culture ability among progeny of planned crosses. In addition, three markers, derived from acc. CAV 2648, were putatively associated with decreased anther culture response rates.;


  • The number of anther culture derived embryo-like structures was highest in acc

  • The volume of the Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) reaction mixture was 25μl, containing 0.8U Taq-polymerase purchased from MBI Fermentas, Tris-HCl -buffer containing (NH4)2SO4 provided by the enzyme manufacturer, 2 mM MgCl 2, 100μM of each dNTP, 600–1200 nM of each primer and approximately 20–100 ng of sample DNA

  • Percentage of green plants regenerated per transferred embryo-like structures (Green/Transferred embryo-like structures (tELS))

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Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was used to test for marker associations with oat anther culture traits in a population of 38 F2 progenies. DNA markers associated with good anther culture ability can be selected for crossing parents and breeding lines. This approach would support transfer of regeneration ability from responsive genotypes to recalcitrant ones through crossing (Beaumont et al 1995, He et al 1998, Yamagishi et al 1998, Holme et al 1999). Some putative random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers associated with anther culture ability traits of oats were identified based on F 2 progeny analysis. Chromosomes or chromosome regions influencing green plant regeneration in cereal anther culture have previously been located using translocation and substitution lines (De Buyser et al 1992, Ghaemi et al 1995)

Progress has been made recently by applying
The DNA pellet was air dried and dissolved in
DNA isolation
Results and discussion
Green final
Parent with the amplified marker band
The authors gratefully acknowledge
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