
The anterograde neuronal transport of Cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) was used in this study to label the termination of retinal afferents in the hypothalamus of the tree shrew Tupaia belangeri. Upon pressure-injection of the substance into the vitrous body of one eye, a major projection of the retinohypothalamic tract (RHT) was found to the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). Although the innervation pattern was bilateral, the ipsilateral SCN received a somewhat stronger projection. Labeling was also found in the supraoptic nucleus and its perinuclear zone, respectively, mainly ipsilaterally as well as in the bilateral para- and periventricular hypothalamic regions without lateral predominance. In the raphe region, scattered fibers and terminals were seen in the dorsal and median raphe nuclei. CTB-immunoreactive structures were observed neither in the locus ceruleus nor in vagal nuclei. Our results, partly in contradiction to earlier studies using different tracing techniques in another tree shrew species ( Tupaia glis), reveal that hypothalamic nuclei, in particular the SCN, are contacted by retino-afferent fibers which are thought to mediate the effects of light to the endogenous ‘clock’ and to parts of the neuroendocrine system.

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