
This research is conducted to determine the level of customer loyalty influenced by the antecedents of customer satisfaction, the reasonableness of the price and quality of service, either directly or through customer satisfaction Go-Ride students in Medan. The unit of analysis of this study was individuals, namely female students from universities in Medan who had used Go-Ride. The method of determining the sample used purposive sampling method. Of the 298 data collected, 290 data were used as research samples and processed using the Lisrel 8.72 program. This research tests the quality of services with service quality indicators of a mass transport from the European Committee for Standardization which has never been used for motorcycle taxis. This study found that there is direct effect of antecedents of customer loyalty such as customer satisfaction and fairness of significant prices on Go-Ride student loyalty in Medan, while service quality has a significant indirect effect on Go-Ride student loyalty in Medan. This research has implications for a business start-up that must pay attention to the antecedents of loyalty, including customer satisfaction, fairness of price, and quality of service, and competitiveness will determine the sustainability of a start-up business because customers with businesses and businesses with businesses have mutually related relationships influence.


  • Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat loyalitas pelanggan yang dipengaruhi oleh anteseden-anteseden kepuasan pelanggan, kewajaran harga dan kualitas pelayanan baik langsung atau melalui kepuasan pelangganmahasiswa Go-Ride di Medan.Unit analisis penelitian ini adalah individu yaitu mahasiswi dari universitas-universitas yang ada di Medan yang pernah menggunakan Go-Ride

  • The results of this study indicate that increasing customer loyalty is influenced by the antecedents of improving service quality through customer satisfaction antecedents

  • The results of this study found that the antecedents of customer satisfaction had a significant effect on the loyalty of Go-Ride female students in Medan

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat loyalitas pelanggan yang dipengaruhi oleh anteseden-anteseden kepuasan pelanggan, kewajaran harga dan kualitas pelayanan baik langsung atau melalui kepuasan pelangganmahasiswa Go-Ride di Medan.Unit analisis penelitian ini adalah individu yaitu mahasiswi dari universitas-universitas yang ada di Medan yang pernah menggunakan Go-Ride. Studi ini menemukan bahwa pengaruh langsung anteseden-anteseden loyalitas pelanggan seperti kepuasan pelanggan dan kewajaran harga signifikan terhadap loyalitas mahasiswi Go-Ride di Medan, sementara kualitas pelayanan memiliki pengaruh tidak langsung yang signifikan terhadap loyalitas mahasiswi Go-Ride di Medan.Penelitian ini berimplikasi bagi sebuah bisnis start-up yang harus memperhatikan faktor anteseden-anteseden loyalitas antara lain kepuasan pelanggan, kewajaran harga, dan kualitas pelayanan, serta kemampuan bersaing akan menentukan keberlanjutan sebuah bisnis start-up karena pelanggan dengan bisnis dan bisnis dengan bisnis memiliki hubungan yang saling mempengaruhi. Large companies that have not been deterred because they have strong resources and control most of the market share in their respective industries, are already worried about the business phenomena that occur. Most EB companies have succeeded even the companies are still classified as start-up such as Uber, Alibaba, Amazon, GO-JEK, Grab, Traveloka, and others. Indonesia has four start - up labelled as unicorn. During 2018, GO-JEK as one of the nation's EB in Indonesia, successfully reached approximately transactions -

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