
This study aimed to examine the antecedents (i.e., perceived trust, perceived risk, perceived web quality and electronic word of mouth) of Afghan women toward online shopping, based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). However, empirical findings in this domain are limited and have inconsistent results. The researcher collected the data from 384 respondents, the result affirms that there is significant positive relationship existing between the proposed independent variable such as perceive trust (PT), perceived risk (PR), perceived web quality (PWQ) and electronic word of mouth (eWOM) toward online shopping decision of Afghan women. This study is novel in establishing empirically, by bringing together the different proposed antecedents, which has influenced Afghan women's online shopping decisions. Based on the finding, the study recommends that Afghan women will decide to shop online taking the four antecedents into consideration and if, it meets the standard criteria and provide an advantage to them. That is how they prefer online shopping to traditional one. Additionally, the result of the study has some practical implications, which indicate that to increase the percentage of women online shoppers the online retailers are suggested to improve the factors of security, trust, previous customer experience, reviews, and overall quality of online services

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