
The oldest Islamic educational institution in Indonesia is the Islamic Boarding School which is based on tafaqquh fiddin. Islamic boarding schools are positive environments that have their own characteristics. In Islamic boarding schools there are several elements such as kiai, ustadz, santri, education and Islamic boarding school. In this case, the researcher wants to know the views of students regarding the term teacher/ustadz at the Al Hidayah Islamic Boarding School. Using qualitative descriptive methods. This research data was obtained from primary and secondary data. Data obtained from interviews and observations are collected according to topic, then the data is sorted according to the research objectives and then analyzed according to related references. Therefore, the following research results were obtained: first, there was recognition from the students that teachers/clerics are figures who educate both physically and mentally. Second, the differences in terms are influenced by three things, namely the environment, seniors, and the subjects taught. Third, the embodiment of hierarchy in the educational process. Fourth, the use of these terms has the same substance, namely glorifying teachers/ustadz as a form of service and character. Fifth, the dhurriyah side. sixth, scientific quality, according to the material taught in a lesson. And the implication of this research is that the equality of students' levels of devotion to teachers or ustadz is very different, which is influenced by their profile and background. Keywords: santri, guru, ustadz

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