
Goal. To investigate the antagonistic activity of a new strain of Trichoderma viride F-100076and its effect on the formation of micromycetes populations in the root zone of corn plants underfield conditions. Methods. The antagonistic activity of T. viride F-100076 was studied by the method of mixed (counter) cultures on wort agar using phytopathogenic fungi, which were isolated andidentified in the Laboratory of Plant-Microbial Interactions. The appearance and type of relationship were registered using a scale modified by Symonian and Mamikonian. The number of micromycetes was determined by the method of soil dilutions. Isolation, accounting and cultivation of fungiwas carried out according to conventional methods. Micromycetes were identified according to thedeterminants appropriate for a specific systematic group of micromycetes. Results. It was foundthat T. viride IMB F-100076 is characterized by high antagonistic activity against a wide range ofphytopathogenic fungi, showing hyperparasitism as early as on the eighth day. The highest antagonistic activity of the strain was found against: Alternaria radicina, Acremonium strictum, Acremonium сucurbitacearum, Fusarium oxysporum var. orthoceras, Fusarium moniliforme var. lactis, Torula expansa (5 points on the corresponding Symonian and Mamikonian scale). Data from the mycological analysis of the sod-podzolic soil of the corn rhizosphere showed that the mycocenosis ofthe sod-podzolic soil of the corn rhizosphere was formed by micromycetes belonging to the generaAcremonium Link, Cladosporium Corda, Fusarium Link:Fr, Gliocladium Corda, Mucor Mich, Penicillium Link:Fr, Rhizopus Ehrenb, Trichoderma Hers, among which the most represented were micromycetes of the genus Penicillium (59 %). The total number of fungi in the control variant was291.00 ± 79.67 thousand CFU/g of soil. The introduction of straw affected both the total number ofmicromycetes and the genus composition of fungi. The total number of fungi in the variant withstraw increased 2.6 times and amounted to 744.00 ± 114.67 thousand CFU/g of soil. The number ofrepresentatives of all studied genera of micromycetes also increased. In addition, the introductionof straw provoked the development of fungi of Bipolaris and Fusarium genera, which can be considered a negative outcome since representatives of these species are commonly recognised as pathogens of root diseases. Application of the fungus antagonist T. viride IMB F-100076 to the soilalong with straw did not significantly affect the total number of micromycetes. At the same time, a displacement of fungi of the genus Bipolaris and Fusarium from the rhizosphere of corn was registered.The number of fusaria decreased from 96.00 ± 5.44 to 23.00 ± 2.32 thousand CFU/g of soil or almost4 times and reached the level of the control variant. Fungi of the genus Bipolaris in the variant withthe introduction of trichoderma were not detected. Conclusion. The antagonist fungus T. virideF-100076, introduced into the soil along with straw, strikes root in the soil and exhibits antagonisticactivity against micromycetes of the genera Bipolaris and Fusarium, which are commonly represented by root rot pathogens of many crops. Thus, the new strain T. viride F-100076 allows increasing theantagonistic potential of the rhizosphere soil of corn and protecting plants from pathogens.


  • Among the bioagents of microbial preparations for plant protection from pathogens of root diseases, the representatives of widespread soil micromycetes of the genus Trichoderma Pers are of the greatest interest

  • Data from the mycological analysis of the sod-podzolic soil of the corn rhizosphere showed that the mycocenosis of the sod-podzolic soil of the corn rhizosphere was formed by micromycetes belonging to the genera Acremonium Link, Cladosporium Corda, Fusarium Link:Fr, Gliocladium Corda, Mucor Mich, Penicillium Link:Fr, Rhizopus Ehrenb, Trichoderma Hers, among which the most represented were micromycetes of the genus Penicillium (59 %)

  • The action of fungi of the genus Trichoderma on microorganisms is due to their ability to form antibiotics, hydrolytic enzymes, as well as the ability to actively compete with other microorganisms in the consuming of nutrient substrate and to show hyperparasitic activity against large spectrum of micromycetes

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Among the bioagents of microbial preparations for plant protection from pathogens of root diseases, the representatives of widespread soil micromycetes of the genus Trichoderma Pers are of the greatest interest. A role of siderophores in antagonistic relationships with soil phytopathogens is important, since they successfully compete for iron ions, being in the tissues of the host plant This ability has been shown for some species of Trichoderma, but most siderophores have not been characterized [5]. Trichoderma fungi are active antagonists of phytopathogens, they are able to produce substances of phytohormonal nature, which improve plant growth and development, in particular, increase the content of chlorophylls, proteins, carbohydrates, germination energy, similarity, aboveground and root system mass [7]. The search for new effective strains of antagonist fungi of the genus Trichoderma and the development of biopreparations on their basis is an essential condition for the successful application of new plant protection products that can protect yields and improve the environment

Materials and methods
Results and discussion
Introduction of straw
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