
Abstract Isolated trees possess an arthropod assemblage different to that found in woodland trees. While isolated trees become an increasingly dominant part of many landscapes, with ‘off reserve’ habitat conservation potential, we know little about the drivers of their assemblage structure. While sampling bimonthly for 12 months in the seasonally dry tropics of Mexico, we characterized the ant species most likely to occupy isolated trees in comparison to small woody patches (‘matorral’; 0.13–0.74 ha), and examined the influence of environmental variables on the respective ant assemblages at both canopy and ground level. Isolated trees possessed a predictable ant assemblage: when compared to the woodland patches, isolated trees were characterised by a lack of specialised arboreal species and an increase in generalised terrestrial species reaching the canopy. Arboreal woodland ant species were as affected by tree isolation as the terrestrial woodland ant fauna. Ant assemblages at isolated trees correlated with a series of microenvironmental (microclimate and biophysical) variables, but this was not the case for the ant assemblages in woodlands. This suggests that at very small habitat sizes (e.g., isolated trees), microenvironment influences assemblage composition by favouring more environmentally tolerant or opportunistic species. Although we were unable to identify alternative variables (e.g., patch area, connectivity) which correlated with assemblage composition in larger habitat patches, it appears that in such patches, local microenvironment is less closely associated with assemblage structure, and variables such as patch and landscape configuration become increasingly important. In a practical sense, micro-habitat restoration aimed at augmentation of vegetation surrounding isolated trees may therefore be an effective means of increasing matrix habitat quality and increasing the partitioning of the arboreal and terrestrial faunas, thereby conserving a broader range of species. More generally, movement of matrix species into habitat patches appears to apply universally over a range of scales and taxa, and provides a distinct contrast to the predictions based on the Theory of Island Biogeography.

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