
About the second question, the residual uterine septa of <1 cm were evaluated at the end of the surgical procedure of hysteroscopic metroplasty. We consider this persistence in the same way of the arcuate uterus as an almost normal variant of uterine morphology and with no impact in reproductive outcomes. In fact, the reproductive performance of the patient subgroup with <1 cm residual septum was completely similar to the patients who have the full resection. This is in agreement with those reported by Fedele et al. [7], who underestimated the eventual persistence of <1 cm residual septum, and supports in particular the new classification of female genital tract congenital anomalies recently proposed by the european Society of Human Reproduction and embryology (eSHRe) and european Society for Gynaecological endoscopy (eSGe), in which the condition of arcuate uterus, a term considered quite confusing, has been eliminated [8], than the outdated classification of American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), then known as the American Fertility Society (AFS) [9].

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