
This article has tried to show a synthesis of data on the influence of emotional factors, specifically anxiety and depression, in the process of health and disease. These factors have been associated with chronic diseases such as variables influencing the initiation, development and maintenance. We have basically two ways to hypothesize this issue in a general explanatory way. The first refers to the influence of anxiety and depression in the behavior, so that interfere with healthy habits and encourage the development of inappropriate behavior that endanger our health. The second mechanism related to the impact of psychophysiological activation in organic systems, affecting immunity, for example. But not only there is a relationship in the course of the disease, but also knows a high comorbidity of these disorders with anxious and depressive disorders, often as a result of the suffering of the same. Finally, we have also revised the interventions that have proven effective in the treatment of symptoms of anxiety and depression in chronically ill.

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