
Abstract This note discusses the author's view of the guest editorial by E. M. Dougherty, Jr. This author considers that HRA exhibits the normal progression of science in which breakthroughs are infrequent. Progress has been made in the field of HRA and has been due to the efforts of persons such as Swain, Rasmussen, Wreathall and others. This note tries to clarify the underlying concepts of the human cognitive reliability (HCR) correlation and answer some of the misconceptions about HCR given in the guest editorial. Additionally, the note touches on the usefulness of simulator results for calculation and estimation for HRA purposes. The note draws attention to the fact that the methods advanced in EPRI NP-6560 are not the same as those in NUREG/CR-4550. Finally, the note calls for the organization of a meeting for the various specialists to discuss their HRA approaches in front of their peers.

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