
AbstractThis paper demonstrates a technique of analysing the following three problems: automatic extraction of moving objects, suppression of the remaining errors and solution of the correspondence problem for the video sequences motion analysis. Here we use a new paradigm for solving the correspondence problem and then determination of a motion trajectory based on a trisectional structure. I.e., firstly it distinguishes between real world objects, secondly extracts image features like Motion Blobs and colour-Patches and thirdly abstracts objects like Meta-Objects that shall denote real world objects. The efficiency of the suggested technique for determination of motion trajectory of moving objects will be demonstrated in this paper on the basis of analysis of strongly disturbed real image sequences.KeywordsVideo SequenceFeature LevelMotion TrajectoryAbstraction LevelTracking AnalysisThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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