
The Lectionarium Placentinum contains in its Sanctorale (Piacenza, Bibl. Capitolare 62) two unknown sermons ascribed to Augustine, one of which is assigned to the feast of the four Roman martyrs Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor and Nazarius (f. 141-143r, inc.: Beati martyres ut securi), the other one on Peter’s walking on the sea (f. 182-182v, inc.: Nullus potest esse securus navigator). In this joint study, we provide a critical edition and examine their authenticity. As a result, the sermon on the martyrs is proved authentic (Augustine, Sermo 335N), the other one certainly spurious. In addition, a previously neglected fragment quoted in Ambrosius Autpertus’ Sermo de Mathia can be assigned to Augustine as well (Augustine, Sermo 112B).

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