
Anomaly detection aims to detect abnormal samples from normal data. Existing methods mainly use synthesis-based approach and uncertainty-based approach. Moreover, the above-mentioned methods need to re-train part/all of the deep network, which limits its application scenarios especially real-time scenarios. We propose a novel retraining-free anomaly detection method, which includes a dual-branch anomaly detection mechanism to detect abnormal pixels from two views. In the pseudo-supervised branch, we use the Copy post method to transform the unsupervised anomaly detection task into a supervised binary detection task. In the prototype detection branch, we use prototypes to improve the accuracy of abnormal pixel detection. The anomaly results of the two branches are fused by means of soft voting to produce anomaly detection results with higher recall. Our experiments show that our method significantly outperforms other methods and achieves excellent results on different datasets, which also shows that our method has good generalization ability. Therefore, our proposed method can effectively improve the effectiveness and safety of anomaly detection in real-time scenarios, such as autonomous driving.

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