
With recent technology advance in Internet of Things (IoT) that involves human, sensors, and mobile devices, networks are not only growing much larger but more complex and dynamic in nature. The spatiotemporal dynamics of networks are represented by both topological changes and temporal shifts of attribute information associated with network components. Understanding the pattern and trend of dynamic networks is increasingly important. While data mining approaches are generally useful in analyzing the statistical properties of networks, there has been recent trend to consider bringing human into the loop, and to examine how feedback from visualizations of large-scale dynamic networks can further improve data mining and machine learning. Traditional visualization methods based on animation and sequences of snapshot graphs are also limited by human cognitive capability. We present a dynamic network analysis and visualization (DNAV) tool which explores the spatiotemporal dimensions of graph components. In particular, nodes and edges are augmented with spatiotemporal segmentation based on both topological and attribute dynamics (e.g., time and locations of connectivity). To further facilitate analysis of large dynamic networks, DNAV includes statistical dynamic overviews alongside graph views, as well as data filtering modules for scalable analysis. Using case studies on public datasets, we demonstrate the effectiveness of DNAV in understanding and analyzing anomalies in dynamic networks such as computer communication networks.

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