
AbstractMarbles from Changpu (Dabie Shan, eastern China), subducted to 4.4 GPa, have 87Sr/86Sr values < 0.7040. These low 87Sr/86Sr values, which would imply a sedimentation age > 2 Ga if considered as primary signature, reflect fluid–rock interaction with a fluid from a low‐87Sr/86Sr source. The introduction of low‐87Sr/86Sr was paralleled by introduction of Mg and loss of Si, K and Na in such a way that carbonates from the purest marbles have the least evolved Sr isotopic composition. Introduction of Mg is also indicated by the distribution of calcite and dolomite. Calcite forms inclusions in garnet, whereas dolomite is restricted to the matrix. These chemical changes, inferred from the mineralogy, in combination with textural evidence require a mobile metamorphic fluid. P–T–X constraints for fluid generation and for permeability increase related to mineral reactions and phase transitions suggest that the marbles acquired their anomalous Sr‐isotopic composition during subduction below 60 km. The marbles with the least radiogenic Sr isotopic composition demonstrate that crustal rocks may lose their isotopic fingerprint during deep subduction.

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