
The obturator artery (OA) is known to often present multiple anatomical variations. These can be due to atypical origin, variable anastomosis, or abnormal course within the pelvis. We report a rare arterial variation in a Puerto Rican female cadaver that showed two abnormal obturator arteries with multiple pelvic branches. The OA emerged from the anterior branch of the internal iliac artery, which normally runs anteroinferior along the lateral wall of the pelvis to the upper part of the obturator foramen where it exits the pelvis. Within the pelvis, the atypical obturator artery provided two anatomically variant branches: abnormal obturator artery I (AOAI) gave rise to three branches, while abnormal obturator artery II (AOAII) gave rise to two branches. Identification of these accessory arteries and anastomoses is important for surgical interventions. Therefore, knowledge of the anatomical variations in this region must be taken in multiple pelvic, gynecological, and urological procedures to avoid iatrogenic injury.

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