
The hyperfine splitting of the ground and low-energy $3/2^+(7.8 \pm 0.5$ eV) levels in the $^{229}$Th nucleus in muonic atom ($\mu^-_{1S_{1/2}}{}^{229}$Th$)^*$ has been calculated considering the distribution of the nuclear magnetization in the framework of collective nuclear model with the wave functions of the Nilsson model for the unpaired neutron. It is shown that (a) the hyperfine splitting of the $3/2^+$ isomeric state is anomalously weak, and the reduction of hyperfine structure in comparison with the model of a point nuclear magnetic dipole is close to 100\%, (b) partial inversion of levels of the $^{229}$Th ground-state doublet and spontaneous decay of the ground state with excitation of the isomeric state take place, (c) the energy of the isomeric transition lies in the range of 120--140 eV, which makes possible the direct observation of the transition, registration of conversion electrons and measurement of the nuclear matrix element.

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